Volume 2, Number 2 (2000)

The Haram Al-sharif: an Essay in Interpretation

First § : IT IS ONLY AT A RELATIVELY late date that the Muslim holy space in Jerusalem came to be referred to as al-haram al-sharif (literally, the Noble Sacred…

Private Acts and Public Violence: Interfaith Marriages in Northern Ireland

This paper sets out to uncover some of the less prominent factors that generate antipathy toward marriage between Catholic and Protestant in Northern Ireland. Attitudes and responses to these mixed…

Islamic Revivalism and Social Cleavages in an Urban Community in Malaysia

This paper examines how heightened religious consciousness occasioned by Islamic revivalism affects the structure of relationships between groups of different religious and ethnic backgrounds in a multi-ethnic urban community in…

Christian Contributions to the Nahda in Palestine Prior to World War 1

In the half century or so preceding World War I, Palestine, represented by a number of flourishing urban centres, witnessed a real cultural renaissance which, in terms of social configuration…

Religion and Communal Conflict in the Sudan: the War Against Paganism

The Sudan’s current religious confrontation began in the nineteenth century, first with the establishment of Egyptian colonial rule, which made a political distinction between Egypt’s Sudanese Muslim and non-Muslim subjects…

Competition and the Transmission of the Foreign Sciences: Hunayn at the Abbasid Court

In a rarely-cited treatise still preserved in the work of the medieval biographer, Ibn Abi Usaybiʿa, the famous ninth-century translator of Greek sciences into Arabic, Hunayn ibn Ishaq, reports on…

Muslims in South Asia: Defining Community and the ‘Other’

This paper examines the redefinition and sharpening of boundaries between Muslims and non-Muslims in South Asia over the centuries as a result of changing conceptions of religious identity. It describes…

De Lege Sarracenorum According to Riccolodo Da Monte Croce

Florentine Dominican, Riccoldo da Monte Croce, was a thirteenth-century missionary and apologist to Islam who travelled throughout the Middle East during a time of ferment in the Latin Church. While…

Family, State and Religious Conversion: Multiple Discourses From Malaysia and South Australia

This paper examines conversion from animism to Christianity or Islam in Borneo and from Lutheranism to other denominations in South Australia in an attempt to discern the implications for identity…

Volume 2, Number 2 (2000)
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