EssayThe Ismailis: a Religious Community in IslamFarhad DaftaryArticleFunduq and Fondaco in the Medieval Islamic WorldOlivia Remie ConstableArticleChristianity in an African Context: on the Inadequacy of the Notion of a Sacred/secular DivideØmulf GulbrandsenArticleThe Formation of a Diaspora: the Crimean Tatars of Turkey, the Balkans and Central AsiaBrian Glyn WilliamsArticleHindiyya Anne ʿajaymi, 1727-1798: a Story of Encounters, Human and DivineAvril M. MakhloufArticleFrom Refugees to Transnational Communities?Khalid KoserArticleCross-faith Conflict and Interfaith Community in Britain: From the ‘Rushdie Affair’ to the PresentGerd BaumannArticleThe Armenian Minority Experience in the Modern Arab WorldAra Sanjian Work in progress. Some articles in this volume are being uploaded soon. Volume 3, Number 1 (2001)