Volume 4, Number 2

Information Technology, International Politics and Political Change in the Arab World

The information and communications technologies (ICTs) revolution in the Arab world coincides with an era of political turbulence marked by a wave of Islamic political activism, the reinflamed Palestinian-Israeli conflict…

Greek Alchemy or Shīʿī Metaphysics? A Preliminary Statement Concerning Jābir Ibn Ḥayyān’s Ẓāhir and Bāṭin

What follows represents the skeleton of a larger thesis and a larger study. The thesis has three integral elements. The first element is historiographic; it involves the question of the…

Fault Lines of Transnationalism: Borders Matter

According to many accounts, the present day is a time of increasing borderlessness or the breaking down of boundaries. This treatment argues that it is a time when borders are…

Historiography in 20th-century Lebanon: Between Confessional Identity and National Coalescence

” This paper considers the interdependence of history, historiography, ideology and identity in modern Lebanon. It argues that historical consciousness, viewing and writing are based, to varying extents, upon (collective)…

Migration and Ethnic Relations in Colonial and Independent Kenya

This paper analyzes the relationship between international and internal migration and ethnic relations in Kenya in the colonial and post-colonial periods respectively. Under colonial rule (1895-1963), white immigrant farmers alienated…

“Even Unto China”: Displacement and Chinese Muslim Myths of Origin

This article considers the ways in which Chinese Muslims depicted themselves as central both to Chinese society and to the Muslim world in Chinese Muslim texts of the early modern…

The Rise of Early Modern Science: a Reply to George Saliba

FIRST §: AN AUTHOR, SUCH AS MYSELF, can only be grateful when a leading historian of Arabic science takes one of his books so seriously as to write a long…

Flying Goats and Other Obsessions: A Response to Toby Huff’s “Reply”

FIRST §: THIS EXCHANGE WITH PROFESSOR HUFF brings to mind the time-honoured Arabic adage about the goat that remains a “goat, even if it flies,” which is often used to…

Lire Pierre Hadot Dans La Philosophie Comme Maniere De Vivre

Compte rendu du livre de Pierre Hadot, La philosophie comme manière de vivre : Entretiens avec Jeannie Carlier et Arnold I. Davidson (Paris : Albin Michel, 2001), 281 pp., Pb.…

Volume 4, Number 2
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