Flying Goats and Other Obsessions: A Response to Toby Huff's "Reply"
FIRST §: THIS EXCHANGE WITH PROFESSOR HUFF brings to mind the time-honoured Arabic adage about the goat that remains a "goat, even if it flies," which is often100

Islamic Astronomy in Context: Attacks on Astrology and the Rise of the Hayʾa Tradition
The early Islamic period witnessed the appearance of a new astronomical disci-pline, ʿilm al-hayʾa (science of the configuration' of the universe), which had 100

Competition and the Transmission of the Foreign Sciences: Hunayn at the Abbasid Court
In a rarely-cited treatise still preserved in the work of the medieval biographer, Ibn Abi Usaybiʿa, the famous ninth-century translator of Greek sciences into100