Peer-review process
Once a research paper is received, it is assessed for suitability by the editorial team, then the editorial team sends a confirmation to the author of receipt and author is informed of initial acceptance or rejection. Then the editor will begin with the process of evaluating the submission. At this point, manuscripts are under external blind review and will therefore be sent to two anonymous external peer reviewers, as part of BRIIFS blin review policy. This process will take approximately four weeks. Reviewers evaluate the papers according to a form that BRIIFS editorial team prepared, and in which included all the review criteria to follow. Once reviewers return the paper with their evaluation, editorial team revises both evaluations for each paper and then makes the decision of acceptance as is (without any modifications); acceptance with minor corrections; acceptance with moderate revision; acceptance with major revision or rejection (with provided reasoning).
Reviewers’ guidelines
Reviewers’ evaluation of the research contributes to the enchantment of the research paper and informs the editorial decision regarding the research.
If you are unable to complete the review due to time constraints, kindly notify the journal so that appropriate arrangements can be made to grant an exemption for the reviewer.
The peer review process is grounded in objective criteria. We request that you provide critiques of the research and support them with reasons.
Please handle the research papers you receive with the utmost professional confidentiality. Refrain from disclosing, displaying, or sharing any pertinent information from the research with any individual or party, unless authorised by BRIIFS Editor or Chairman.
Please alter us to any noteworthy references related to the research topic that has not been cited, or any instances of content overlap or similarity with the author’s prior work (after the double-blind peer review process is complete, the research is accepted for publication, and the author’s identity is disclosed).
Please adhere to the evaluation criteria endorsed by BRIIFS, as outlined in the review template.
Reviewers may not utilise any information or data sourced from a submitted research paper without prior consent.