Volume 3, Number 2 (2001)


This essay agues that the reduction in the cultural space occupied by the nation-state due to forces of globalization opens up hitherto less used spaces for expressions of solidarity and…

Transnationalism and the Meiji State: on the Question of Cultural Borrowing

As recently as 2000, J. Nye Jr., a noted scholar of international relations, reiterated the well-known truism that Japan was Asia’s first ‘globalizer.’ Less known or less comprehensible is the…

The Global Impact on Hawaii's Public Policy

The process of globalization involves the transnationalization of production and capital, which gives rise to global trade. This transformation from international to transnational capital signifies an “”epochal shift”” in the…

Globalization, the State and Civil Violence in Sri Lanka

The formation of the modern Sri Lankan state and the relationship between this formation and patterns of civilian and ethnic violence constitute the central themes of this paper. Within this…

Impunity, Nationalism and Transnationalism: the Recovery of the 'disappeared' of Lebanon

Transnationalism is generally juxtaposed to the national as a process in which the former grows at the expense of the latter. This paper explores the way in which transnational ethical…

Hadramis in Singapore: Making Muslim Space in a Global City

This paper deals with the migration of people from Hadramaut, in Yemen, to Singapore, looking both at the historical circumstances that led to their early success in the city and…

The Experience of Exilio and Insilio in Reshaping Uruguayan Identity

In the 1970s and 1980s, Uruguay experienced a dual process of denationalization that occurred when economic and political crisis culminated in a repressive military dictatorship. Denationalization involved actual flight from…

Beyond the 'potemkin Metropolis: Creating and Filming the Homogenized Singapore Urban Environment

Singapore is an Asian city-state in which the contradictions of becoming modern are seemingly resolved by state-directed technological or technocratic means. Its post-colonial urbanism represents a radical statist modernity that…

The Paradoxes of Nationalism: Modern Greek Historiography and the Burden of the Past

Recent books discussed in this article include Richard Clogg, Anglo-Greek Attitudes: Studies in History (London: St. Martin’s Press and New York: Macmillan, 2000), 217 pp., Hb. ISBN 0 312 23523…

Volume 3, Number 2 (2001)
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